Cleaning & Organizing Laundry

All About Washing New Clothes

Prevent Allergic Reactions From Chemicals and Irritants

new clothes hanging on a rack

The Spruce / Letícia Almeida

Most of us love new clothes. They are "perfect." The colors are bright, the lines are crisp, and the embellishments are pristine. So why would you ever wash them and risk changing the look before you even get a chance to wear them?

It's essential to wash new clothes to cleanse them of any germs that could be present. It's also important to rid the materials of any harsh chemicals that could irritate the skin. Lastly, washing new clothes removes extra dye that can transfer onto other materials.

Read on to learn about why it's important to wash new clothes.

3 Reasons Why New Clothes Should Be Washed Before Wearing

There are three good reasons to wash new clothes, especially pieces like underwear or t-shirts and shorts that are worn in direct contact with your skin before you wear them.

New Clothes may Transfer Dye to Your Skin

One reason to wash new clothes is to wash out extra dye that can be transferred to your skin or other garments. Most fabrics made from synthetic fibers (polyester, acrylic) are colored with azo-aniline dyes. These dyes can cause severe skin reactions for people, especially small children, who are allergic to them. If the allergy is severe, the rash will be similar to poison ivy. But even less severe reactions can cause dry, itchy inflamed patches of skin. 

New Clothes can Contain Bacteria, Fungus, and Insects

It is possible to transfer lice, scabies, bacteria, and fungus from one person to another person when clothes are tried on. Dressing rooms can become breeding grounds for everything from viruses to athlete's foot. Why take that risk?

New Clothes can Contain Chemical Irritants

And, most importantly, new clothes should be washed to remove the chemical finishes like Urea-formaldehyde that manufacturers put on clothes to enhance texture and reduce wrinkles. The finishes won't bother everyone, but if you have sensitive skin, you can develop a rash especially in constant contact areas like armpits, collars, cuffs, and trouser waists and thighs.

Urea-formaldehyde is often the chemical used to prevent mildew from forming on clothes that have to be shipped long distances in hot, humid containers from Asia and South America to the United States. It has a very sharp odor that will remain in the fabric until the garment is washed. One washing will probably not remove all of the formaldehyde but you will reduce the resin significantly, and it will continue to be removed with each wash.

new clothes in a laundry basket
​The Spruce / Letícia Almeida

How to Wash New Clothes

Read the Label

It is important to wash new clothes according to the instructions on the care tag. This label will tell you what the garment is made out of and advise you on how to care for it. Water temperature and wash or dry cycle may be recommended, as well as tips such as turning the item inside out or avoiding a tumble dry in a machine. Additionally, it will recommend handwashing or gentle cycles when applicable.

Wash New Clothes Separately

If a tag warns to "wash separately before wearing," and with "like colors," the garment may transfer dye and bleed color.  Even if the label doesn't specify, it's always a good idea to wash any new item separately in its first cycles. Washing separately first will help remove all the excess dye before transfer occurs. After washing, check the rinse water to see if any color remains. If so, continue to wash separately or with similar colors until the water rinses clear. It may take multiple washings to get rid of the excess dye and prevent damage to other fabrics.

garment care label
​The Spruce / Letícia Almeida

Protect Your Baby's Skin

It is especially important that children's clothing, especially clothes for babies, be washed before they are worn. Babies are particularly sensitive to chemicals, and skin rashes can occur. Select a detergent like Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin that is fragrance-free and dye-free because detergent dyes and scents can also cause skin reactions. You can also elect to make your own laundry detergent. Plus, washing new clothes for children will make them softer and more comfortable to wear.

Should You Wash Used or Secondhand Clothing?

Clothing from a consignment or thrift store should always be washed or dry-cleaned before wearing for hygienic purposes and to prevent skin irritation. Even though these clothes have probably been cleaned before being placed for sale, washing in your regular detergent will ensure better results for your family. This is particularly important if someone in your home has a sensitivity to fragrances like those in fabric softeners that so many people love.

If the clothing has excessive odors from perfume or scented products, you should take extra steps beyond just washing. Wash as suggested and if the odor remains, use fresh air to help remove the scent. Or, soak the clothing overnight in a sink or bucket filled with lukewarm water and one cup of baking soda before washing. Add one-half cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle to help strip away any detergent or fabric softener residue in the fibers that may be holding onto the scent.

Allow the freshly washed clothes to air dry in a breezy location and give the item a final sniff test before wearing.

Should You Wash New Bed Linens and Towels

Washing new bed linens and bath towels should be done to remove applied chemicals since these come in direct contact with skin. The best way to wash bed linens and towels is to separate them into like colors and wash in warm to hot water regularly, depending on the type of fabric. Dry linens on a clothesline or tumble dry them in the machine. Shake out damp towels before placing in dryer to prevent them from bunching up and use a low to medium heat setting. Washing bed linens and towels will also improve the absorbency of the fabric by removing surface coatings on fibers.

What Can I Do to Reduce Exposure to Chemicals on Clothing?

You can avoid some chemicals by shopping for organically produced natural fiber clothing. But be sure to read the care labels because not all cotton and linen and wool clothing is created equal. Manufacturers apply chemicals to prevent mildew, and natural fibers are particularly vulnerable to mildew if exposed to moisture during a long shipping process from overseas manufacturers.

Choose clothing that can be washed at home to avoid any chemicals used in the dry-cleaning process.

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  1. Svedman, Cecilia, et al. Textile Contact Dermatitis: How Fabrics Can Induce Dermatitis. Current Treatment Options in Allergy, vol. 6, no. 1, 2019, pp. 103–111., doi:10.1007/s40521-019-0197-5

  2. Fungus Facts. American Massage Therapy Association.

  3. Contact Dermatitis in Children. Stanford Children's Health.

  4. How to be Fragrance Free. University of Washington.