How to Remove Vinegar Stains From Clothes and Carpet

Learn to keep undiluted white vinegar and brown vinegar from ruining fabrics

How to Remove Vinegar Stains From Clothes

The Spruce / Madelyn Goodnight

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 8 hrs
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $5 to $ 10

In most cases, diluted and distilled white vinegar is one of laundry's best friends. But there are many types of vinegar, such as tinted kinds, and vinegar-based products that can cause stains on clothes. Thankfully, you can remedy these stains with products you most likely already have at home. If you have a fresh and wet vinegar stain, blot it immediately with a damp paper towel or clean white towel to neutralize the acid and soak up as much wetness as possible. Then rinse with water, blotting with a dry towel afterward to eliminate the moisture. Never dry the clothes in a clothes dryer until the stain is completely gone or it could set and become permanent.

Learn some simple steps for removing vinegar stains from washable clothing, carpet, and upholstery.

Stain type  Acid- or tannin-based
Detergent type Regular detergent and oxygen bleach 
Water temperature Cold
Cycle type Varies depending on the type of fabric

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Paper towel
  • White cloth
  • Washing machine (Optional)
  • Soaking basin (Optional)


  • Regular laundry detergent
  • Oxygen bleach


materials for removing vinegar stains
The Spruce / Daria Groza

How to Remove Vinegar Stains From Clothing

Test any detergent or cleaning solution in an inconspicuous area first to ensure that it does not discolor the fabric.

  1. Blot the Stain

    For all types of vinegar stains, immediately blot the spill with a white paper towel to remove as much moisture as possible.

    person blotting a blouse
    The Spruce / Daria Groza
  2. Saturate the Stain With Water

    • Flood the area with plain cool water to weaken the acetic acid. You can do this by holding the stain under a running cold water faucet or by dipping a white cloth in cold water and blotting the stain.
    • Wash the stained item following the care label guidelines as usual. 
    person rinsing a garment under water
    The Spruce / Daria Groza
  3. Use Oxygen Bleach to Remove Tough Tannin Stains

    If any color remains on the fabric after washing, use oxygen bleach.

    • Mix a solution of oxygen bleach (such as OxiClean, Nellie's All Natural Oxygen Brightener, or OXO Brite) and tepid water.
    • Submerge the entire garment.
    • Allow it to soak for at least four hours or overnight, and then launder as usual with your laundry detergent.


    This step is safe to use for all washable fabrics—white and colored—except for silk, wool, and anything trimmed with leather.

    person submerging garment in a tub with oxygen bleach
    The Spruce / Daria Groza

How to Remove Vinegar Stains From Carpet or Upholstery

The same techniques recommended to clean carpet can be used for upholstery. Take care not to over-wet the fabric because excess moisture can cause problems in the cushions.

Before cleaning any furniture, always follow the manufacturer's care label on cleaning upholstery. This tag can be found under the sofa cushions or fabric skirt with letter codes that indicate how to clean the furniture. Always test a hidden area of carpet or upholstery first to see if the method damages the fibers. If not, take these steps:

  • Blot and air-dry: It is important to neutralize the acid, especially on a dark carpet. Dip a white paper towel in cold water and blot the stained area. Use a dry paper towel to absorb the moisture. If there is no trace of the stain remaining, allow the carpet or upholstery to air-dry.
  • Use dishwashing detergent if the stain remains: If there is discoloration from a dark vinegar, mix a solution of 1 teaspoon of hand dishwashing liquid with 1 cup of cool water. Dip a sponge or soft-bristled brush in the solution and work it into the vinegar stain.
  • Blot and rinse: Use a dry paper towel to blot away the stain as it is lifted. Use plain water to "rinse" the area and remove all soapy residue.
  • Air-dry and vacuum: Allow the area to air dry away from all direct heat and sunlight. Vacuum to lift the carpet fibers.


If you do not rinse thoroughly, the detergent residue will attract soil. But do not over-wet the fabric on upholstery because excess moisture can cause problems in the cushions.

Additional Tips for Handling Vinegar Stains

If the fabric is not washable or the clothes are labeled as dry clean only, blot the vinegar stain with a paper towel until all of the vinegar is absorbed. Then, wet a white cloth with plain cool water and blot the area for several minutes. Finish by blotting with a clean, dry cloth. If any sign of the stain remains, when you take the garment to the dry cleaner, point out, and identify the stain.

Large stains on carpets and upholstery might be handled best with a steam cleaner or contact a professional cleaner to remove the stain. You will still need to do some prep work, and not let the vinegar stain set. If a vinegar stain appears on silk or vintage fabric or upholstery, contact a professional. Do not try to fix it at home; you can make the stain worse if you attempt it on your own.

  • Does vinegar leave stains on clothes?

    Tinted kinds, such as apple cider vinegar or those made from dark-colored foods like red wine grapes or aged like balsamic vinegar, can not only bleach, but can also stain. Harsh cleaning vinegars have a much higher acid content than distilled white vinegar (which is often used in the laundry) and can cause bleaching in dark colors if accidentally spilled.

  • Will vinegar bleach clothes?

    Undiluted vinegar contains acid so if it is left on fabric—especially dark fabric with unstable dyes—bleaching can occur. Once bleaching occurs on fabric, it is not reversible.

  • How do you get balsamic vinegar stains out of clothes?

    Either soak the balsamic vinegar stain in cool water with a few drops of liquid dish soap or a mix of oxygen bleach with water, following the package's directions. Soak for at least a few hours or overnight.