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Troubleshooting Maytag Bravos Washer Problems and Repairs

Maytag bravos washer and dryer
Courtesy of Maytag

Maytag is a familiar and popular name brand of washers and dryers. The Maytag line has been around for more than one hundred years with the first washer introduced to the market in 1907. The line was acquired by Whirlpool in 2006 but remains a top seller. Since a clothes washer is one of the most often used appliances in a home, there will most likely come a time when a washer repair is necessary. These troubleshooting solutions can help keep your Maytag Bravos washer working smoothly and might just save you from a costly service call from a repair technician.

Washer Doesn't Move Smoothly Between Cycles


Maytag Bravos washer will not continue to the next cycle after the wash cycle.


If the washer starts and seems to progress through the cycle well but doesn't move to the spin cycle, the problem may be with the locking lid switch. If the door lock switch does not engage fully, the washer will not move into the high spin mode.

  1. Clean the Lid Switch

    Begin by cleaning the switch contact points on the lid and the body of the washer with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to remove any dirt and lint build-up.

  2. Replace the Lid Switch

    If this does not solve the problem, you will need to replace the switch. Door switches are inexpensive parts and easy to replace. If you need a user or repair manual, you can find it here.

Excess Lint Left on Clothes


Excess lint and hair (both human and pet) are left on clothes after washing even with a second rinse cycle.


A great tip to help reduce and remove lint is to add one cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle to help the fibers relax and better release lint and pet hair. The vinegar can be added to the fabric softener dispenser for easy use. Do not add additional fabric softener.


Older washers had a removable lint filter that could be cleaned manually. Today's washers have a built-in lint filter but it cannot be accessed easily for cleaning.

  1. Clean the Washer

    Top-loading high-efficiency washers, like the Maytag Bravos, use much less water and that can result in lint not being washed away as easily as it is with a standard washer that uses a high-volume of water. It is helpful to run a cleaning cycle each month to flush away any lint residue in the washer.

  2. Use the Washer Correctly

    Excess lint is especially problematic if the high-efficiency washer is ever overloaded or if too much detergent is used. Using too much detergent leaves a residue on clothes that is sticky enough to hold onto lint and hair. No more than two tablespoons of high-efficiency detergent should be used per load of laundry.

  3. Check the Water Pump Filter

    Excessive lint on clothes after washing may also indicate that the water pump filter is clogged. When that happens, the wash and rinse water with all that suspended lint drains too slowly and leaves deposits on wet clothes.

    To clean the pump filter, follow the directions in your washer manual to access the water pump. You may find lots of lint, coins, buttons, or even a sock that is causing a slow drain and leaving lint on your clothes.

Problem With Maytag Bravos Fabric Softener Dispenser


The fabric softener dispenser will not function properly and leaves gooey residue in the dispenser cup.


The most common reason for fabric softener dispenser malfunction is that the dispenser is clogged.

  1. Clean the Dispenser

    If the dispenser is removable, fill a sink with hot water and allow the dispenser to soak for at least 30 minutes. Use a small soft-bristled bottle brush to clean every opening.

    If the dispenser is not removable, you can still give it a good cleaning using distilled white vinegar. Heat the vinegar in the microwave until it is very hot but not boiling. Dip an old toothbrush into the heated vinegar and give the dispenser a good scrubbing. It is also helpful after the scrubbing to fill the dispenser with the warm distilled white vinegar and let the empty washer run through a hot wash cycle.

  2. Use Fabric Softener Correctly

    The problem may be worse due to the age of your fabric softener. Commercial fabric softeners can separate and thicken over time due to temperature changes. Be sure to give the bottle a good shake before each use. It may also be helpful to use 50 percent fabric softener and 50 percent water each time when you fill the dispenser.

  3. Check the Water Flow Valve

    If dispensers will not work correctly it is often a problem with the water flow into the unit. Detergent, bleach, and fabric softener are dispensed at the proper time in the laundry cycle by a burst of water that flushes out the dispenser cup. The water lines could be kinked or clogged with residue. It is also possible that the solenoid that controls water flow is not functioning correctly. To help you check the solenoid, water lines, and valve, remove the unit for cleaning, consult the user/repair manual.