How to Remove Beet Stains From Clothes

Beets can permanently dye fabrics—here's how to prevent the stains from setting

How to Remove Beet Stains From Clothes

The Spruce / Ellen Lindner

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 15 - 30 mins
  • Total Time: 8 hrs, 15 mins - 8 hrs, 30 mins
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $10

Beets are a healthy, delicious, and beautiful addition to any plate, but their red color is also a powerful dye on fabrics and yarn. If you don't want to dye your entire tablecloth or outfit, learning how to remove beet stains is a must.

Common household cleaners like vinegar, lemon juice, or dish soap can be used to pretreat beet stains before applying enzyme-based stain removers and oxygen-based bleach. Take action as soon as you notice there's a beet stain on clothing to prevent permanent marks. Never rub the stain—just blot it—or it can spread and further penetrate the fibers of the fabric.

Below, learn how to remove beet stains on clothing.


Check the care label on the beet-stained clothing. If it is dry-clean-only, lift away any beet solids using a dull knife or spoon and take it to the dry cleaner as soon as possible.

Stain type Plant-based tannin
Detergent type Heavy-duty, enzymatic stain remover
Water temperature Cold
Cycle type Varies depending on the type of fabric

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Dull knife or spoon
  • Clean paper towel
  • Bucket or large bowl (as necessary)


  • Stain remover or heavy duty detergent
  • Oxygen-based bleach (as necessary)
  • Lemon juice (optional)
  • Distilled white vinegar (optional)
  • Dish soap (optional)


Materials needed to remove beet stains from clothing

The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

How to Get Beet Stains Out of Clothes

Like other tannin-based stains, quick treatment offers the best chance for success in removing beet stains. Here's how:

  1. Remove Chunks of Beet

    If a beet lands in your lap, remove any pieces with a dull knife or the edge of a spoon. Do not rub the stain, or you can spread it and push the dye deeper into fabric fibers.

    Removing beet stain solids from a shirt

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  2. Blot the Stain

    • Blot the wet stain with a clean white paper towel or even a slice of white bread to absorb as much liquid as possible.
    • As quickly as you can, flood the beet-stained area with cold water.
    Blotting the beet stain on the shirt sleeve

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  3. Rinse Clean

    Flush under a stream of cold running water from the wrong side of the fabric to force out the dye.

    Rinsing the beet stained sleeve

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  4. Pretreat the Stain

    Pretreat the beet stain using lemon juice, vinegar, or dish soap:

    • Apply a mild bleaching agent like lemon juice or vinegar directly to the stain, then let it rest for a few minutes.
    • Use 1 tablespoon of dish soap mixed with 1 cup of cold water to gently dab the stain.
    • After using either pretreatment method, rinse the item again before proceeding.


    Always test stain treatments and detergents on an inconspicuous area of the clothing first to test for colorfastness.

  5. Apply Enzyme-Based Stain Remover

    Next, treat the stained area with a stain remover. If you don't have a stain remover, work a bit of heavy-duty detergent that contains enough stain-removing enzymes to be effective (Tide and Persil are considered heavy-duty) into the stained area. 

    Rubbing stain remover into the beet stain

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  6. Rinse in Cold Water

    Allow the cleaning solution to work on the fabric for at least fifteen minutes, then rinse it in cold water. This will remove any oily components or other ingredients in the beet dish from the fabric as well.

    Rinsing the stained area in cold water

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  7. Soak in Bleach Solution

    • If traces of the red color remain (and it probably will), mix a solution of oxygen-based bleach and cool water. Common brands include OxiClean, Nellie's All Natural Oxygen Brightener, or OXO Brite.
    • Follow the package directions to determine the correct ratio of oxygen bleach per gallon of water.
    • Mix enough so that the entire garment or tablecloth can be completely submerged.
    • Allow the fabric to soak for at least eight hours.
    Soaking the beet stained garment in an oxygen bleach solution

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  8. Wash as Usual

    • Check the beet stain. If it is gone, wash as usual and air dry the garment in a place away from direct sunlight.
    • If it remains, mix a fresh solution and repeat. It may take several soaks in oxygen bleach to completely remove the stain.
    Checking the stained area to see if the stain has lifted

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

When to Call a Professional

With dry-clean only clothes, lift away any beet solids using a dull knife or spoon. The sooner you take it to the dry cleaner, the better. Always point out and identify the stain to the professional cleaner to help them remove it properly. It's best to leave these stubborn stains to the professionals, as a home dry-cleaning kit may not be powerful enough to remove it. Without proper pre-treatment and care, the heat from your own dryer may make the stain permanent.

Additional Tips for Handling Beet Stains on Clothes

If the stain persists after treating it with stain removers and oxygen bleach, take the garment to a professional cleaner or dry cleaner. Do not place the garment in a machine dryer or allow it to dry in sunlight, as heat can set the stain further. A professional cleaner can most likely remove the stain as long as the clothing has not been dried with heat.

  • Does beet juice stain permanently?

    Beet juice stains can easily become permanent if not treated quickly and properly. As soon as possible, scrape off any residue and rinse the stain from the inside out using cold water. Apply stain removers after flushing the fabric with water.

  • What removes beet stains?

    Beet stains can be treated with a commercial stain remover like a stick, gel, or spray. Light bleaching agents like vinegar or lemon juice, or a mixture of dish soap and water, can be used to pretreat the stain.

  • How do you get beet stains out of white fabrics?

    Beet stains can be removed from white fabrics using the same cleaners you'd use for colorful fabrics. If commercial stain removers aren't effective, soak the item in oxygen-based bleach and water, rinse with cold water, and repeat until it's lifted.