How to Clean a Suede Jacket

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 30 mins - 1 hr
  • Total Time: 2 - 4 hrs
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Estimated Cost: $0 to $5

Natural suede leather coats are soft, luxurious, and usually quite expensive—but they have a fuzzy surface finish that easily attracts dust and absorbs stains. Overall deep cleaning of genuine suede items must be done by a professional dry cleaner who specializes in leather care. But light cleaning with a suede brush can be done at home, and you may be able to handle some small stains yourself, using techniques tailored to the type of stain. Removing stains is not a matter of dissolving the staining agent, as it is with most types of fabric, but rather finding a suitable method to blot and scrape away the staining material from the leather. Beware that some coats appear to be natural suede but actually are synthetic fibers (microsuede) that may be able to be machine-washed. Always read the care label to be sure.

Take these steps to get the grime off of your real suede jacket.

Brown suede coat next to cleaning materials

The Spruce / Ana Maria Stanciu

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Paper towels or napkins
  • Soft-bristled brush


  • Baby powder or cornstarch
  • Suede brush
  • Rubbing alcohol (optional)


How to Clean a Suede Jacket
Detergent Do not use
Water Temperature Do not machine wash
Cycle Type n/a
Drying Cycle Do not machine dry
Special Treatments Spot clean recommended
Iron Settings Do not iron
How Often to Clean After each wearing or weekly
Materials and tools to clean a suede coat

The Spruce / Ana Maria Stanciu

How to Clean Oily Stains From a Suede Jacket

Oily stains are among the hardest to remove from suede surfaces. Applying an absorbent powder several times can gradually remove the stain. If the spot is still discolored, you can try dabbing the area with rubbing alcohol to loosen the staining material.

  1. Blot Up Oily Liquid

    The longer oily drips stay on suede, the deeper they penetrate. If a bit of oily food falls on a suede coat, blot it immediately with a paper towel or napkin. Do not add water and do not rub, as this can harm the fabric.

    Folded napkin wiping oily drip on suede coat

    The Spruce / Ana Maria Stanciu

  2. Apply Absorbent Powder, Then Brush

    • Sprinkle the stain with baby powder or cornstarch to absorb the oil.
    • Wait an hour and check the powder. The powder should begin to look oily after an hour or so. It is fine to leave the powder on the stain for more than an hour.
    • Brush away the oily-looking powder with a soft brush.
    • If the oil stain is gone, give the coat a good brushing overall with a suede brush.
    • If the stain remains, repeat the application of powder as many times as necessary until no more oil is absorbed.
    Baby powder sprinkled over oil stain on suede coat

    The Spruce / Ana Maria Stanciu

How to Clean Other Stains From a Suede Jacket

If you have never worked with suede, always practice these steps on a small, hidden area first to avoid any discoloration or damage.

Food, Mud, and Other Wet Stains

When food or wet mud gets on a suede coat, do not rub the stain. Rubbing will only drive the stain deeper into the suede.

  1. Use a blunt knife or the edge of a credit card to lift away as much of the wet solid matter as possible. There will be traces left that will be treated once the stain dries.
  2. If the stain is caused by a liquid, use a paper towel or a clean white cloth to blot away as much moisture as possible. Put the cloth directly over the stain and apply some pressure to draw the moisture away from the suede and into the cloth. Keep turning the cloth to a clean, dry area and continue blotting. Allow the area to dry naturally away from direct heat.
  3. Once the stained area has dried, it is easier to treat. Start with the most gentle treatment and move to more abrasive action. After every treatment, brush the area with the suede brush to restore and smooth the fabric.
  4. Gently rub the area with a white, microfiber cloth to lift away as much of the dried-on matter as possible.
  5. If that does not work, use a pencil eraser or art gum eraser to gently rub away the stain.
  6. As a last resort, gently rub the stained area with an emery board nail file to remove the dried-on matter.

Sticky Residue

Sticky name tags or tape can leave a residue on suede when pulled off the coat. It's best to avoid them altogether but if there is residue left behind, it is crucial to work slowly to loosen the sticky mess from the fibers of the suede.

  1. If the sticker does not pull away easily, dampen it lightly with a wet paper towel. Use the edge of a blunt knife or credit card to gently pry loose a corner or gently scrape the sticker away.
  2. Once the sticker is removed, allow the area to air-dry away from direct sunlight or heat. Brush with a suede brush, which sometimes is enough to remove all the sticky residue.
  3. If residue remains, try an art gum eraser. Use short, gentle strokes, without hard scrubbing. The eraser should pick up any leftover glue in the fibers.
  4. If the suede brush and art gum eraser didn't completely remove the sticky residue, use an emery board to gently rub the area. Use a very light touch to prevent damage to the texture of the fabric.


Commercial glue and adhesive removers like Goo Gone can damage natural suede and leave a discoloration that is nearly impossible to remove. Never use commercial solvents or stain removers on suede.

How Often to Clean a Suede Jacket

After every wearing or at least weekly, use a soft-bristled suede brush on the surface to remove loose dust and soil. Regular brushing will help delay the need for professional cleaning. If you get caught in the rain, allow the damp suede to dry slowly away from direct heat or sunlight. You can then use the suede brush to raise any areas where the fabric has been crushed.

A suede coat should be professionally cleaned if it develops odors from perspiration or has significant stains. The coat should always be cleaned before storing it at the end of the season.

How to Care for a Suede Jacket

A two-sided suede brush is a must-have item if you have a quality suede coat. Inspect your jacket after each use. Use the wire side when removing dried mud, dirt, or other staining material, and use the soft side to buff the nap. Brushing should be done only when the jacket is completely dry, and never use hard pressure, which can damage the surface of the leather.

When new, applying a protective suede conditioner will make your jacket less likely to absorb stains. Never use ordinary leather polish on suede, however. A suede protector will also guard your jacket against water.

Holes and rips are generally best handled by a professional, though there are a number of leather repair kits you can buy if you want to try your own repairs.

Ironing a suede surface is not recommended. But you can sometimes remove wrinkles by turning the jacket inside out, draping it with a protective cotton cloth, and lightly ironing over the cloth using a low-heat setting.

How to Store a Suede Jacket

Leather coats and jackets should be stored by hanging them on a well-fitting wooden or fabric-covered hanger, and hung in a well-ventilated place that's out of direct sunlight. Never store a leather coat folded up or in a closed container.

Tips for Keeping a Suede Jacket Clean

  • Wear a scarf around your neck to prevent body oils from transferring to the coat's collar.
  • While there are sprays designed to add stain and water-repellency to suede, always test them on a hidden inside area first because they may change the texture and color of the suede.
  • Take a stained suede coat to a professional cleaner as soon as possible. The longer the stain remains on the suede, the more difficult it will be to remove.
  • Can I wash a suede jacket in the washing machine?

    Do not wash a suede jacket in the washing machine because saturating the garment with water can cause damaging water stains. Spot clean or dry clean a suede jacket.

  • How do I clean a suede jacket that smells?

    Lightly dampen a clean cloth with undiluted white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Gently blot the offending smelly stain until it's gone. When the area is dry, use a suede brush to refresh the texture. Or, to remove general odors, place the jacket in a sealed garment bag along with a sock or cloth pouch filled with baking soda. After several days, the odor should be gone.

  • What happens if suede gets wet?

    Created from the soft underside of a split-grain animal hide, suede is leather with a napped or fuzzy finish that has been left natural or dyed. When these small "hairs" on the napped finish become wet and then dry, they become stiff and brittle. Never allow a suede jacket to remain wet for too long. Hang the coat and allow it to slowly air-dry.

  • Can I steam my suede jacket?

    A steamer can help eliminate wrinkles, open leather pores, and loosen dirt and grime, but it's important not to get the leather wet or to touch the suede while applying steam. The best way to steam a jacket is to hang it in a bathroom near a running hot shower for several minutes. After this treatment, the jacket will be more amenable to brushing and stain removal.