Not all clothes or accessories are safe to dry in a clothes dryer; instead, they should be air-dried. Items that have spandex, elastic, or rubber can break down. Other things can melt, shrink, warp, or crack. Look at this list of 16 items that should never go in the clothes dryer.
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The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Bras use spandex and elastic to stretch and provide support. Unfortunately, high temperatures break down those materials and will quickly ruin the shape of bras. Wash them correctly and air-dry to help them maintain their shape.
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Backpacks, Lunch Bags, and Reusable Shopping Bags
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
If you think about all the things that end up in backpacks, lunch bags, and reusable shopping bags, it's easy to see that they need to be washed and cleaned often. But none of these things should be placed in a clothes dryer unless they are made of 100 percent cotton.
The high heat of a dryer can cause the outer materials to melt, shrink, or warp and can destroy the inner structure of insulated bags.
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Leather, Suede, and Faux Leather
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Even if you've been caught in a downpour, it's not a good idea to attempt to dry any type of leather, even faux leather, in a clothes dryer. The high heat can cause the fabric to distort or crack.
Hang wet leather goods to air-dry away from direct heat or sunlight.
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Silk, Lingerie, and Delicate Fabrics
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Delicate fabrics such as silk, lace, and sheer net should never go into the dryer. The high heat can set in wrinkles that are almost impossible to remove. But, the biggest danger is something such as a zipper snagging the fabric and leaving a hole or pull.
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The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Just like lingerie, most of today's activewear is made from high-tech, synthetic fibers designed to support muscles and wick away moisture during exercise. To help these garments hold their shape and wicking qualities, avoid the dryer and allow them to air-dry after washing.
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Tennis Shoes
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Tennis shoes can be made out of simple canvas, leather, or high-tech performance fabrics. After washing athletic shoes, skip the dryer. The high heat can cause the soles to separate and materials to become distorted. Allow them to air-dry for at least 24 hours before wearing again.
For a speedier effect on less-fancy footwear, stuff the shoes with crumbled up newspaper. The pages will soak up the moisture and expedite the drying process.
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The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Sweaters are created from knitted yarns that can lose their shape if washed incorrectly. And the final insult can come if they are tossed in a hot dryer. The heat can cause natural and human-made fibers to shrink or stretch and increase pilling. Returning a synthetic fiber sweater to its original shape is impossible, but some natural fiber sweaters can be saved so they can be worn again.
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Natural and Faux Fur
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Whether your fur got caught in the rain or needs cleaning, stay away from the high heat of the dryer. Excessive heat can cause the hide of a natural fur to crack and the fur to fall out. Simply hang the fur to air-dry away from direct heat or sunlight.
For faux fur, high-heat can cause the fibers to melt and tangle. Allow the garment to air-dry and use a wide-tooth comb to slowly separate the fibers.
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Rubber-Backed Rugs and Mats
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Bath mats can harbor bacteria that spread athlete's foot and odor; so they should be washed and disinfected often in hot water. However, they should never be put in the clothes dryer on high heat. The rubber backing can crumble and even melt.
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The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Swimwear needs to be washed after every wearing to remove body soil, sunscreen oils, sand, salt, or chlorine. But after washing, allow it to air-dry. Dryer heat will cause the fabrics to distort and ruin that summer look.
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The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Whether silk stockings, ballet tights, or wool socks, hosiery should always be air-dried to prevent shrinking, snags, and pilling.
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Sequined and Beaded Clothes
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
If you have clothes or home accessories with sequins or beading, keep them away from the dryer. If the embellishments are glued on, the heat can cause the glue to melt, and beads and sequins can become distorted.
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Bedroom Slippers
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Even if your bedroom slippers can go through the washing machine, don't put them in the dryer. The heat can cause non-skid soles to separate and melt.
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Wool Clothes
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Some wool clothing can be tossed in the washer or hand washed easily at home. However, nothing made out of wool should be placed in the dryer. Wool is a natural fiber from sheep or goats, and the outer layer contains scales that interlock and shrink when subjected to excess moisture and high heat. Once the scales interlock, it can be quite difficult to return the fabric to its original size.
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Oily and Chemically Stained Fabrics
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
You probably won't be washing a big load of oily work rags, but even a load of laundry that includes oily kitchen towels or clothes splashed with gasoline can cause a problem if you put them in the dryer. The high heat can cause residual oils in the fabric to combust and start a fire, and oily materials can easily transfer to dryer surfaces. Always air-dry, preferably outside but out of direct sunlight.
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Lip Balm, Gum, and Other Pocket Items
The Spruce / Ana Cadena
Don't put anything in the dryer until you've checked the pockets for common items like crayons, gum, lip balm, jewelry, and even cell phones. The very best way to prevent disasters is to turn every pocket inside out before you put clothes in the washer. If you hear or see some evidence that pockets didn't get emptied before the wash cycle, check again before putting wet clothes in the dryer.