How to Remove Liquid Medicine Stains

These colorful stains aren't as permanent as they look—here's what to do

How to Remove Liquid Medicine Stains From Clothes

The Spruce / Madelyn Goodnight

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 15 - 30 mins
  • Total Time: 6 - 8 hrs
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $10 to 15

Liquid medicine stains on your clothing, carpets, or upholstery are the last thing you need when you're sick—but thankfully, they can be removed with simple household cleaners at home. Drug manufacturers and pharmacists add flavoring and coloring (dye) to make liquid medicine more palatable, but those same additives make stain removal even more difficult. Most liquid medicines are alcohol-based and should be treated as soon as possible to remove it.

Be aware there is a different method to follow if the stain is from liquid capsules like fish oil. Never rub the stain, only blot it, or it can be pushed deeper into the fabric's fibers. Check the clothing's care label first and test detergents or cleaners in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn't discolor the fabric.

Use the following steps to remove alcohol-based liquid medicine stains from clothing, carpet, and upholstery.


While most stain removers are gentle enough for common fabrics, knowing an item's specific care needs will help you choose the best cleaner. Older or dried stains will be harder to remove, so you might need to repeat the cleaning process several times.

 Stain type  Dye-based
 Detergent type  Heavy-duty
 Water temperature  Varies depending on the type of fabric
 Cycle type  Varies depending on the type of fabric

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Measuring cup
  • Clean white cloths
  • Sponge or soft-bristled brush
  • Paper towels
  • Sink or large plastic tub
  • Non-metal bowl (carpet)
  • Vacuum (carpet)


  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol
  • Oxygen-based bleach (optional)
  • Liquid dishwashing soap
  • Heavy-duty laundry detergent


Materials needed to remove liquid medicine stains from clothing and carpet

How to Remove Liquid Medicine Stains From Washable Clothes

As with most stains, liquid medicine stains will be easier to remove from clothing if they are treated immediately. You can use the same technique whether the stain is fresh or several hours old.

  1. Flush the Stained Area

    Hold the stained item under a cold water faucet turned all the way on to flush out the stain as much as possible. Flush from the back of the fabric outward to avoid pushing it deeper into the fibers.

    rinsing the garment with medicine stain in the sink
    The Spruce / Fiona Campbell
  2. Mix a Pre-Treatment Solution

    Mix 1 tablespoon of distilled white vinegar with 2/3 cup of isopropyl or rubbing alcohol.

    mixing a solution of vinegar and rubbing alcohol
    The Spruce / Fiona Campbell 
  3. Treat the Stain

    • Blot the stain on both the front and back sides of the fabric using a clean white cloth and the vinegar/alcohol solution.
    • Keep turning the white cloth to a clean area to blot away as much of the stain as possible.
    • When no more color transfers to the white cloth, move to the next step.
    person dabbing the alcohol and vinegar solution onto the medicine stain
    The Spruce / Fiona Campbell
  4. Rinse the Stained Area

    • Rinse the stain thoroughly with cold water.
    • If the stain is gone, wash the clothes or bed linens as recommended on the care label.
    • If any stain remains, proceed to the next step before laundering.
    person rinsing the garment under the faucet
    The Spruce / Fiona Campbell
  5. Mix a Soaking Solution

    • Fill a sink or large plastic tub with cool water and add oxygen-based bleach (brand names include OxiClean, Nellie's All Natural Oxygen Brightener, or OXO Brite) following package directions. 
    • Submerge the garment completely and allow it to soak for at least six hours or overnight.
    a garment submerged in a bowl
    The Spruce / Fiona Campbell
  6. Check the Stained Area

    • Before washing, check the stained area to ensure there is no hint of a mark or darkened ring on the garment. If it is gone, rinse well, then launder as usual.
    • Check the clothing care label. Wash the garment in the hottest water recommended.
    • If any traces of the stain remain, repeat the process with a fresh oxygen bleach/water solution and allow the clothing to air-dry.
    • Wash and dry the garment normally once the stain is gone.


    Always check a stained item before tossing it into a dryer. The high heat of the dryer can set the stain and make it almost impossible to remove.

    Checking the stained area

    The Spruce / Almar Creative

How to Remove Liquid Medicine Stains From Carpet and Upholstery

The same cleaning techniques recommended for carpets can be used to remove liquid medicine stains from upholstery. Take special care not to saturate the fabric to prevent excessive moisture in cushions. If the upholstery is vintage or silk, consult an upholstery cleaning professional.

Before cleaning any furniture, always follow the manufacturer's care label on cleaning upholstery. This tag can be found under the sofa cushions or fabric skirt with letter codes that indicate how to clean the furniture.

  1. Blot the Stain

    Blot the stain with a plain white paper towel as soon as possible. Work from the outside edges of the stain toward the center to prevent making the stain larger.

    Blotting a liquid medicine stain on carpet

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  2. Mix a Cleaning Solution

    In a small non-metal bowl or measuring cup, mix a solution of 2 cups of cool water, 1 tablespoon of distilled white vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap.

    Mixing a cleaning solution to remove liquid medicine stains

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  3. Apply the Cleaning Solution to the Stain

    • Dip a clean white cloth, sponge, or soft-bristled brush into the solution and work it into the stained area. 
    • Blot the stain with a white paper towel, moving to a clean area as the dye is transferred from the carpet to the paper towel. If the stain is older, you may need to repeat and leave the solution on the stain for 10 or 15 minutes before blotting.
    • If color remains, dip a cloth in rubbing alcohol and apply it to the stained area.
    • Blot away with a clean white paper towel and repeat until no more dye is transferred to the paper towel.
    • Move to the next step once the stain is completely removed.
    Applying the cleaning solution to the stain

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  4. Rinse the Stained Area

    Rinse the stained area with plain cool water and a clean white cloth to remove any soapy residue. Blot dry with white paper towels or another clean white cloth.


    Rinse well, as leaving any soapy residue on the carpet will actually attract more soil.

    Rinsing the stained area with water

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  5. Air-Dry and Vacuum

    Allow the carpet to air dry away from direct heat or sunlight, then vacuum to lift up the carpet fibers.

    Vacuuming the carpet after air drying

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

Additional Tips for Handling a Liquid Medicine Stain

If the liquid medicine stain is persistent on white or light-colored carpets, try this method. Be aware that this process can remove the color from darker-colored carpets.

  • Dip a cotton swab in a three-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Blot the stained area and let the hydrogen peroxide sit for two or three minutes.
  • Blot away with a clean, dry white paper towel and then sponge with a clean white cloth dipped in fresh, plain water.
  • Allow to air dry and then vacuum.

When to Call a Professional

If the garment is labeled as dry-clean-only, blot away as much of the liquid medicine as possible with a cloth dipped in plain, cool water. As soon as possible, head to the dry cleaner and point out and identify the stain to your professional cleaner. Always contact a professional cleaner for any silk or vintage fabrics that get stained.

If you have a carpet that is made out of wool or is a thick shag rug, consider contacting a professional to handle the job. They can also handle large, stubborn stains. Additionally, if you try to remove a stain and still can't get it out, it's best to let the professionals handle it. Make sure to choose a reputable professional to clean your carpet.

  • Can medicine stains be removed?

    Medicine stains can be removed on carpets and upholstery by mixing 2 cups of cool water, 1 tablespoon of distilled white vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. Apply the solution to the stain, then air dry and vacuum. Remove medicine stains on clothes by pretreating with vinegar and rubbing alcohol before soaking in oxygen-based bleach.

  • Can you get a stain out after it's been washed?

    Most stains are much harder to remove after an item has been washed and dried in a machine dryer. However, you can wash stained clothing, then treat stains and wash again as many times as needed to fully remove a stain. Always be mindful of water temperature, as warm or hot water can set many stains permanently.

  • Does vinegar remove stains?

    Vinegar is a natural, but powerful stain remover on many different types of fabrics. Vinegar is especially effective on white fabrics, but it can be used on most colored clothes as well (and it also acts as an odor remover).