How to Remove Champagne and White Wine Stains

How to Remove Champagne and White Wine Stains

The Spruce / Madelyn Goodnight

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 15 - 30 mins
  • Total Time: 1 - 5 hrs
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $10 to 15

While no stain is ideal, white wine and Champagne stains are fortunately pretty easy to remove thanks to the light color—especially when compared to red wine stains. But as with any stain, it is best to remove it sooner than later. Blot—never rub—with paper towels or a clean white cloth to soak up as much moisture as possible, and whatever you do, never put wine-stained clothing into a dryer as the heat will set the stain, making it hard to remove or creating a permanent spot.

Don't stress! Get ready to learn how you can remove white wine stains from clothing, carpeting, and upholstery.

 Stain type  White wine
 Detergent type  Heavy-duty
 Water temperature  Varies depending on the type of fabric
 Cycle type  Varies depending on the type of fabric

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Paper towels or clean white cloths
  • Sponge
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Vacuum


  • Heavy-duty laundry detergent
  • Oxygen-based bleach
  • Liquid soap


Materials needed to remove white whine and champagne stains

The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

How to Remove White Wine and Champagne Stains From Washable Fabrics

When a stain occurs on washable clothing and other fabrics, immediately use a clean white cloth or paper towel to blot away as much moisture as possible. If you don't have a cloth available, use a slice of white bread to soak up the wine. The area should then be sponged with a clean cloth dipped in cool water to dilute the stain.

  1. Wash the Garment

    Wash the fabric, as soon as possible, using a quality laundry detergent (Tide and Persil are highly rated brand names that contain enough enzymes to remove stains) and the hottest water recommended for the fabric on its care label


    Never use bar soap or soap flakes because they can actually mix in with the pigments in the wine to set in the stain.

    Placing a champagne stained garment into the washer

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  2. Check the Stained Area

    Before tossing the clothing into the dryer, check the stained area. If the stain is still there, do not dry the clothing and move to the next step.

    Checking that the stain has been removed before drying the garment

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  3. Mix a Soaking Solution

    Mix a solution of oxygen bleach (brand names include OxiClean, Nellie's All-Natural Oxygen Brightener, and OXO Brite) and tepid water following package directions, and submerge the garment in it. Allow it to soak for at least four hours or overnight. Check the white wine stain, and if it gone, then launder as usual. If the stain remains, repeat the oxygen bleach step.

    Soaking the garment in an oxygen bleach solution

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

How to Remove White Wine and Champagne Stains on Carpet and Upholstery

For white wine and champagne spilled on upholstery, use the same cleaning techniques as you would for carpeting. But take extra care not to oversaturate the stained area during the cleaning process. If excess moisture gets into the upholstery cushions, it can cause mold and mildew to grow.

Before cleaning any furniture, always follow the manufacturer's care label on cleaning upholstery. This tag can be found under the sofa cushions or fabric skirt with letter codes that indicate how to clean the furniture. Furthermore, if the upholstery is vintage, silk, or another delicate fabric, blot away the spilled wine as best as you can. Then, consult a professional upholstery cleaner for stain removal tips tailored to your specific situation.

  1. Blot Area

    Blot the area immediately with a clean white cloth or paper towel to remove as much of the liquid as possible.

    Blotting the area on the carpet where the white wine was spilled

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  2. Flush the Stained Area

    Flush the stained area as soon as possible with water using a clean sponge or clean white cloth. Do this by blotting the stain with a sponge or white cloth that has been dipped in plain cool water. This will dilute the stain and prevent the sticky sugars in the wine from attracting dirt.

    Flushing the white wine stained area with water

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  3. Blot Again to Remove Moisture

    Blot the area again with a dry white cloth until you can't remove any more moisture from the carpet fibers.

    Blotting the stained area again to remove moisture

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

  4. Air-Dry and Vacuum

    • Allow the area to dry completely, but don't put the carpet in direct heat or sunlight, as this can damage the carpet fibers.
    • Vacuum the carpet to lift the fibers.
    Letting the stained area air dry before vacuuming

    The Spruce / Sarah Crowley

When to Call a Professional

For dry clean only clothing, take the item to the dry cleaner as soon as possible, and point out the stain to the cleaner so they know the area to target. If you choose to use a home dry-cleaning kit, treat the stain with the provided stain remover before putting the garment in the dryer bag.

Additional Tips for Handling a White Wine or Champagne Stains

Check the care label on the item and for either fabric: washable or dry clean only, immediately blot up as much moisture as possible with a clean white cloth or paper towel. Don't use a wet cloth, as this can cause the stain to spread.

But what if you don't notice that there was a mishap of spilled wine, or you can't treat the carpet stain right away, and it dries? No worries, there is a way to remove the dried stain from the carpet.

  • Mix a solution of 1 tablespoon liquid soap and 2 cups warm water.
  • Work the mixture into the stained area of the carpet with a clean sponge or soft-bristled brush.
  • Rinse the area with plain water with another clean sponge or cloth. This is critical, as any soapy mixture left in the carpet can attract dirt.
  • Finally, use a dry cloth to blot up as much moisture as possible.
  • Allow the carpet to air dry completely before vacuuming to lift the fibers.