How to Remove Peanut Butter Stains From Clothing, Upholstery, and Carpets

Tips to effectively get this oil-based stain out of fabrics

How to Remove Peanut Butter Stains

The Spruce / Bailey Mariner

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 5 - 15 mins
  • Total Time: 1 - 2 hrs
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $10 to $15

Whether you like it smooth or extra crunchy, a drop of peanut butter on your clothing, couch, or carpet can create an oily stain that's hard to remove if it is not treated promptly. Luckily, if you take quick action, it's fairly easy to remove the mark before the stain sets in, and it doesn't take any special ingredients, either.

Here's how to remove peanut butter stains from washable fabrics, carpet, and upholstery.

 Stain type Oil-based 
 Detergent type Heavy-duty 
 Water temperature Hottest safe for fabric
 Cycle type Varies depending on fabric

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Dull knife or spoon
  • Clean rags or paper towels
  • Old toothbrush or soft-bristled brush (Optional)
  • Washing machine


  • Laundry stain pre-treatment spray or gel
  • Heavy-duty laundry detergent


Materials needed to remove peanut butter stains

The Spruce / Ana Cadena

How to Remove Peanut Butter Stains From Clothes

  1. Remove Peanut Butter Solids

    Scrape away as much peanut butter as possible with a dull knife or the edge of a spoon. Try not to smear the peanut butter beyond the original spot, and do not rub too hard, which can damage fabric fibers and push the peanut oils further into the fabric.

    Removing excess peanut butter stains with a spoon

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  2. Apply Laundry Stain Pre-Treatment

    Treat the stained area with a solvent-based laundry stain remover like Zout, Shout, or Spray 'n Wash. If you don't have a stain remover on hand, use a bit of heavy-duty liquid laundry detergent such as Tide or Persil to treat the stain. These detergents contain enough enzymes to break apart the oily component of peanut butter and surfactants to lift it away.

    Applying stain remover to a peanut butter stain

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  3. Rub Stain Remover Into Fabric

    • Rub the stain remover into the stain with your fingers or a soft-bristled brush; an old toothbrush works well. Work from the outer edge of the stain towards the center to avoid spreading the peanut oil.
    • Allow the stain remover or detergent to sit on the fabric for at least 15 minutes to begin dissolving the oily stain.
    Rubbing the stain remover into the peanut butter

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  4. Wash the Garment

    • Wash the stained garment in the hottest water recommended for the fabric on the care label.
    • Check the stained area before drying. If the stain is still there, repeat the steps above. Stubborn stains, or those that have dried, can require two or three treatments for full removal.
    • If the stain is gone, go ahead and put the garment into the dryer on its recommended temperature setting.


    If there is still a stain, drying the item on high heat will make the oil even more difficult to remove.

    Putting the garment into the washer

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

How to Remove Peanut Butter Stains From Carpet or Upholstery

  • Remove excess peanut butter: Remove as much peanut butter as possible from the carpet or upholstery by scraping gently with a dull knife or the edge of a spoon. Be careful not to smear the peanut butter further into the fabric fibers.
  • Mix a cleaning solution: Mix a solution of 2 cups warm water, 1 tablespoon liquid detergent, and 2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar in a large mixing bowl.
  • Blot: Dip a clean white cloth, paper towel, or sponge into the solution and wring out excess moisture. Working from the outside edge of the stain towards the center, begin removing the peanut butter oils by blotting—not scrubbing—the wet cloth onto the mark. Keep rotating your cleaning cloth as the stain lifts so you don't spread oil back into the cleaned area. Working from the outside of the stain towards the center will keep the stain from spreading.
  • Rinse: Rinse the area once the stain is lifted by dipping another clean cloth or sponge into plain water and then wiping the treated spot to remove soap residue. Leaving soap on carpet or upholstery can actually attract more soil. However, do not overly saturate carpet or upholstery. Use just enough water to remove any soap residue without drenching the fabric.
  • Dry: Allow the treated area to air dry with no direct heat. Vacuum to lift and restore carpet fibers.

Additional Tips for Handling Peanut Butter Stains

The best way to tackle a peanut butter stain is to prevent it in the first place. Have children enjoy their treat over a plate, and take care when lifting foods laden in peanut butter so that none of the oily spread plops out onto your clothing or the floor.

But if an accident happens, and your best efforts with the above steps don't fully remove the mark, it's time for professional assistance. Note that if the peanut butter stain is on dry-clean-only clothing, vintage upholstery, or a delicate fabric like silk, it's best to leave the treatment to a professional dry cleaner or upholstery specialist. Be sure to let them know the nature of the stain, as well as all of the steps you've already taken to try and remove it.

  • Does peanut butter come out of clothes easily?

    It is an oil-based stain so it should come out easily if treated and washed in a timely manner.

  • What is the best stain remover for peanut butter stains?

    A heavy-duty detergent, like Tide or Persil, has enzymes that will dissolve the oily part of the peanut butter stain. For carpet and upholstery, use a clean white cloth to blot a mix of 1 to 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap, and 2 cups of lukewarm water.

  • How can I get peanut butter oil stains out of leather?

    Peanut butter oils can stain leather. Gently scrape as much up as possible. With a soft cloth, apply in a circular motion a paste of baking soda and a few drops of water. The paste will absorb and clean the oil. Wipe the paste off with a slightly damp clean cloth and air-dry. Finish with a leather conditioner if necessary.