How to Wash Football Pants and Jerseys

Follow these tips for removing sweat, odor, grass stains, and whitening fabrics

Red football uniforms being cleaned and hung up to dry next to wicker laundry basket

The Spruce / Nelly Cuanalo

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 10 - 30 mins
  • Total Time: 2 hrs - 1 day
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Estimated Cost: $0 to 15

Learning how to wash football pants and jerseys is simple with a few essential supplies and specific washing steps. Football uniforms are prone to odors and stains from grass and dirt. That said, the durable polyester knit fabric, often used for football and baseball uniforms, is easier to care for than cotton.

The key to washing football pants and jerseys is using cool or warm water, using a heavy-duty detergent, adding an oxygen-based stain remover, and air drying. The heat from the dryer can damage the uniform. Never use fabric softener, which affects the fabric's ability to soak up sweat properly.

Follow these steps to clean and remove the odor from a football uniform and its pads, and learn how to mend and store the uniforms until next season.

Before Getting Started

Before washing football pants and jerseys, you'll want to make sure to remove any pads. Also, airing out the football uniform before laundering it will help reduce any odors.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Large sink, bucket, or plastic storage tub
  • Washing machine
  • Mesh laundry bag
  • Clothesline or drying rack
  • Soft cloth
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Hose (optional)


  • Heavy-duty laundry detergent
  • Baking soda
  • Oxygen-based cleaner
  • Enzyme-based stain remover (optional)
  • Distilled white vinegar (optional)


Materials and tools to clean and care for football uniforms

The Spruce / Nelly Cuanalo

How to Clean Football Uniforms

  1. Rinse the Uniform

    Rinse the uniform in a utility sink or tub with cold water after every use to remove loose dirt and mud. Or, hang the uniform outdoors on a clothesline and spray it with a hose.

    Red football uniforms hung on clothes line and rinsed with hose

    The Spruce / Nelly Cuanalo

  2. Presoak the Uniform

    Fill a large sink, bucket, or plastic storage tub with warm (not hot) water. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of heavy-duty laundry detergent and 1 cup of baking soda.

    Allow the uniform to soak for at least one hour or overnight. The detergent starts working on stains, and the baking soda reduces the odors.

    Red football uniform being presoaked in plastic bin with water, laundry detergent and baking soda

    The Spruce / Nelly Cuanalo

  3. Pretreat Stains

    Spray remaining mud and grass stains with an oxygen-based cleaner and brush the fabric with a soft-bristled brush. Allow the detergent to work for at least 15 minutes before washing as usual.

    If washing away red clay mud, make a paste from granular oxygen bleach and a few drops of water. Apply the paste to the stain, then let it sit for at least 30 minutes before washing.

    You can also brighten white football pants with a laundry whitener. Pour a 1/2 cup of detergent into 1 gallon of water, and then let the pants sit in the solution for about an hour. Swish it around a few times, rinse the pants, and then wash as usual.

    Soft-bristled brush scrubbing excess dirt and stains from football uniform sleeve

    The Spruce / Nelly Cuanalo

  4. Wash in Cold or Warm Water

    Turn your football jersey inside out to protect the lettering and emblems, and then add it to the washing machine with the pants. Don't add any other clothing items to the washer because the lint from cotton or cotton-blend clothing can cling to the jersey's letters and numbers.

    Set the washing machine to the normal cycle using cold or warm water and then pour in a heavy-duty laundry detergent. These detergents contain active enzymes that cut through heavy soil, lifting it from the fabric.

    Add 1 cup of baking soda to the washer drum for odor control. Add 1 cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle to remove any excess detergent that can leave colors looking dingy.

    Heavy-duty laundry detergent poured into washing machine

    The Spruce / Nelly Cuanalo

  5. Air Dry the Uniform

    Hang the uniform to dry on a clothesline or a drying rack away from direct sunlight.

    Machine drying can ruin a football uniform by setting stains, fading colors, and destroying screen-printed letters and numbers. If you must put your football uniform in the dryer, tumble dry using low heat on the permanent press cycle.

    Red football uniforms hung on clothes line to air dry

    The Spruce / Nelly Cuanalo

How to Wash Football Pads

When it comes to washing football pads, there are a few steps to take:

  • First, separate each shoulder pad's plastic shells from the fabric, and wipe them down with water and a soft cloth.
  • Spray the pads with an enzyme-based stain cleaner to kill bacteria and remove odors.
  • Follow the product directions for handwashing, or place the pads in a mesh laundry bag before adding them to the washing machine.
  • Air-dry the pads before putting them back into the football uniform.

How Often to Wash Football Uniforms

Wash the football uniform after every use. The faster it can get in the wash, the better the chance you'll have of eliminating stains and odors. If you can't get it washed immediately, throw it in a soak or rinse it in cold water and drip dry.

Football Uniform Care and Repairs

It's common for numbers and letters to peel off football jerseys, especially when the uniforms are hand-me-downs or the material quality is poor.

To repair peeling decals, first back the number or letter with a piece of cardboard. Next, place a pressing cloth over the top of the number or letter. Using an iron set on high heat with the steam turned off, quickly apply the iron tip to the decal's edges with the pressing cloth in between (never allow the iron to touch the jersey fabric directly). Gradually increase the contact time until you see the decal adhering to the fabric.

Storing Football Uniforms

Football uniforms including pads, jerseys, pants, and football gloves should always be cleaned before storing or bacteria will grow, ruining the uniform for the next season. Pads can be hung on hangers and stored in a cool, dry closet. Football uniforms can be hung or folded and stored in the same fashion. Uniforms stored in sealable plastic bins will be protected from off-season damp conditions.

Tips for Washing Football Uniforms

  • Add water softener (not fabric softener) to your presoak solution if you have hard water. This will prevent your uniform from feeling stiff from hard water deposits once dry.
  • Don't use fabric softener on a football uniform, as it can lessen the fabric's moisture-wicking capabilities.
  • Avoid chlorine bleach, even on white fabrics, as it can damage synthetic polyesters and yellow them. Instead, use an oxygen-based bleach or all-fabric bleach, which will brighten dulled whites.
  • Use separate presoaking tubs for colors and whites.
  • Do football uniforms shrink when washed?

    Polyester jerseys and pants do not shrink when washed. However, when you wash sports jerseys and pants, the fabrics still need special attention to tackle stains and odors.

  • Can I put football pants in the dryer?

    No, putting football pants in the dryer can destroy the belt and ruin its fabric and padding. Always air dry your football uniforms, including football pants.

  • Can you dry clean football uniforms?

    Never dry-clean football uniforms. Football uniforms should always be washed at home; the chemicals used in dry cleaning could ruin them.